



The Ministers of Iniquity

Have gathered in the Great Hall,

To question a Purveyor of Industry

What caused the Master’s fall.

He is asked if he spoke against him,

That day in the town square,

He answers that he spoke against many thieves,

And they should have a care.

They rail against this brazenry,

How dare he treat them so?

He answers he speaks honestly,

If they won’t hear it, he can go.

They ask if he once printed word,

Exposing Master’s lie,

He tells them many truths are seen,

And fixes them with steady eye.

They warn that in this Hall,

They can seal his fate.

He answers that once they leave,

They face the entire state.

The Ministers then want to know,

What did Master do to you?

He details what malfunctions,

The entire land went through.

The Ministers ask what crime was done,

During Master’s tenancy?

The Merchant asks of them,

Why Master begs for clemency.

The Ministers of Iniquity

Remained lined up behind their table.

They’d thought to quell this voice,

But were publicly unable.

They shuffle papers, clear their throats,

And generally, display no poise,

And launch trials of buttons, or rhubarb,

And other useless noise.

The Ministers of Iniquity

May haul other people in.

We’ll speak our truths to these uncouth,

And they can keep taking it on the chin.


Cliff Lake 3/24/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023













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