The Troll-In-Waiting


The Troll-In-Waiting


He’s out there.

Some of you have seen him.

He’s testing the waters.

He’s probing for the soft spot.

He may give you the sly whisper:

A hint that your intellect may be in question.  

He’s allowed to say that; it’s just his honest take.  

He’ll make sure you’re aware of those things.

The troll-in-waiting has no patience for decorum, no.

That’s restrictive; surely you see that.

Politeness and civility don’t allow him to be his true self.

If you can’t handle his openness and sincerity as is,

Why, that just demonstrates your weakness, doesn’t it?

The troll-in-waiting has some thoughts about reporting accounts for trolling.

He wants to know who made you judge and jury?

He wants to know if all honest opinions are going to be flagged.

He wants to know where it will all end.

He wants to know who you think you are anyway, Elon Musk? 

The troll-in-waiting thinks you have some nerve replying to his reply on your post.

It’s just his opinion,

And he’s allowed to tell you that you’re not very bright for having one of your own.

If don’t like how he’s telling you,

You’re being oversensitive and should not reply to him any longer;

It’s your fault that he must insult you to get you to see his side of things.

After all, you replied to him, when you should have just let him have his snark.

That’s what true freedom of expression allows.

You’re the one with the problem,

You’re the one making him say the things he does.

The troll-in-waiting is here.

He’s waiting for you to react.

And that will be your fault.


Cliff Lake 1/15/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023


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