The Joker Goes All In


The Joker Goes All In


The Joker was double-dealing and was raking in the cash.

But he was too leveraged and was dipping in his stash.

He’d lost the deal some time ago, he was playing a losing hand,

He hadn’t stacked the deck enough; he was about to be unmanned.


Now the Joker had made a play, he’d tried to be the King.

But rules are rules, and he’d dined with fools, now his ass was in a sling.

So, he made a grand announcement: he’d get the deal back if able,

But his chips were down, and now the clown was at the wrong end of the table.


The deal was laid, would he have it made, or had the deck gone cold?

He couldn’t stack but could slip out the back, or so he had been told.

And he begged the crowd to get good and loud, they could be a fine distraction.

But the other players were his naysayers, they would have their satisfaction.


The Joker tried to hide the cards, but he was playing the wrong game.

And the Jacks that he had sent in had already taken blame.

He’d tried to be the dealer and the banker all in one,

But his partners had already folded, and their deals had all been done.


So, the Joker has to take the cards that anyone should be dealt.

And he has to ante in with an empty money belt.

And now the crowd is watching with great anticipation,

To see the Joker at last reduced to his lowly outcast station.


Cliff Lake 3/19/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023





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