The Indoctrinates

The Indoctrinates


Evidence isn’t evident if you refuse to see it.

Facts are easily shouted down by base opinion.

Reality is warped by insistent propaganda.


The lies they accept spare them doubt.

The lies they accept leave no room for dispute.

The lies they accept need no coherence.


Religion may follow any man, regardless of virtue.

Doctrine does not have be rooted in righteousness.

Creeds are not exempt from delirium.


The lies they accept are the only assurance of their fidelity.

The lies they accept are their lifeline to their self-deception.

The lies they accept keep them from having to admit their mistake.


To the idolater criminality is in the eye of the beholder.

To the sycophant all actions are just.

To the minion no punishment is meet.


The lies they accept are requirement.

The lies they accept drive them.

The lies they accept are a disease.


Justice must accept no lies.

Integrity in law must be absolute.

The due process must dispense what justice is finally due.


Cliff Lake 3/18/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023


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