



We watch them led down the psycho path,

To see the places they were at before,

And refuse to leave.

They will see nothing new,

Because blindness requires familiarity.

And you turn on the news,

And nothing’s changed,

Except you,

‘Cause you died a little more inside.

And it doesn’t matter how loudly you scream,

Because you’re shouting into the chaos they make,

And you can barely hear yourself.

How many times do they need to lie,

To keep themselves convinced,

That they are on the side of right,

And that their cause is just?

Can they keep their blinders on long enough,

To avoid the sight of their leaders failing?

Can they cover their ears well enough,

To avoid hearing the crash of truths,

As the courts take down their house,

Card by greasy card?

Why does it feel like it won’t be enough?

What evidence can get through,

The granite lining of their fantasies?

Why is it so important, so required,

To desperately mimic the most debased among us?

How can they be so attracted to vileness exposed?

What is missing from them,

That can only be filled from corruption?

How have we not seen their vulgarity,

Until only now?

Violence is always ready to their hand,

Perversion fills their thoughts,

Depravity guides their understanding.

How do we defend?

Is the light fading?

Are the rocks of principle and veracity,

And the simple truth of fact,

To crumble beneath us,

Beneath the weight of iniquity

Repeated endlessly?

Or do we hold fast?

We hold.

We must hold fast.

We hold.


Cliff Lake 3/9/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023





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