The Transients

The Transients


A farce writ out in madness and malice,

A snake reduced to worm.

The keys given over to thieves of the palace,

The noxious fire still burns.


Long did we watch the backroom barter,

Deals we would not countenance in home.

A traitor at the wheel once the nonstarter,

Product of repulsive syndrome.


Assurances spoke in midnight desperation,

Caving to the fetid and soiled,

Witness we are to a quisling’s castration,

In hope comeuppance is foiled.


Will we at last see our republic corrupted,

Oligarchs and their minions for the win?

Are we to let rule of law be bankrupted,

Has our resolve grown so thin?


Let them exult in their temporary achievement,

Let them attempt their fiddling while they can,

Rule of law suffers no cheap appeasement,

We will hold, then overcome the straw man.


Cliff Lake 1/7/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023



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