The Jack of Snakes

 The Jack of Snakes


Oiled words were spake by the Jack of Snakes,

It slithered on two legs into the contest.

The courtiers there looked away without care,

Eyes only on the conquest.

The Jack of Snakes would cover past mistakes,

With lies of a certain imprecision.

The courtiers share the creeping snare,

Their Jack is met with derision.

Reminded of old crimes from earlier times

The Jack of Snakes provides a new name.

But the records of sin pierce the veil grown too thin,

The Jack of Snakes cannot hide his true game.

So, he struts the hall, thumbs his nose at all,

Refuses to accept abdication.

The Jack of Snakes will not relinquish his big break,

Though he be far above his earned station.

So, after all, we must watch his slow fall,

The Jack of Snakes under focused inspection.

Now courtiers must care for their own seat in chair,

How long can they afford his protection?

Now the Jack of Snakes has played the high stakes,

With naught more than the empty purse.

Goodbye Jack of Snakes, you don’t have what it takes,

To avoid ejection or even worse.


Cliff Lake 1/18/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023



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