Revelations 2.0


Revelations 2.0


Hear now children,

The legend never told,

For the time is come

To retrieve what we never held.

See the secrets now unveiled,

Showing what has never been,

That we may take,

What will not be given.

Make now your commitment,

To the Juggler Thief,

That he may rise and rule,

Forgetting and failing

Every promise made.

Take your stand,

In the mudded ground

You have been brought to

And look there for the milk and honey,

Given to those whose larders overflow.

Gird yourself against dangers unseen

But foretold by those well protected.

For the days have wound down

And the end is come,

And will come again tomorrow.

And should the learned man say other,

Remember your faith is a shield,

And to chamber a round just in case.


Cliff Lake 1/26/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake


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