


I must now state that

Given the research I have conducted

On my own through use of Bing

And given that my research supports

Conclusions I came to

Without prior knowledge of

Data I have not read yet

It seems very clear

I cannot be wrong.

Moreover, in my next podcast

My theory will be proven

With figures I gathered

From the people next door.

They are the only experts

I have much faith in

As they always tell me

What I want to hear.

In fact, their agreement with

My hypothesis is generally based on

A rumor that got popular

At the end of last year.

It was heard at a protest

Outside of a library

That had hired a person

That dressed in a manner

That some people found unsettling

And also, they could not be

From around here.

This rumor was verified shortly thereafter

By the mechanic’s wife

At the bar later on.

Two days later I read it

On some liberal website

That said not to believe it

So, it must be true.

Another government secret

Being spread by the contrails

They say don’t exist

But that we all see.

You know that they’re hiding

The hypnosis weapons

And mind control cell phones

For the coming war

On us true patriots

That buy stuff and burn it

To prove that we’re free.

You can trust what I’m saying

If you never get this.

Then you will know

That they have got me.

Pardon me now

As I head to my basement

And recount ammunition

And cans of baby peas.

One more thing

While I have got you

What have you heard

About the new crypto buy-in?

I hear this the one 

That you can trust.

Let me help you

Start your investment

It isn’t just another scheme

It’s backed by George Santos

And other House Reps

Go big or go bust.


Cliff Lake 1/10/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023


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