Where in this World


Where in this World


Where do you find your hope under the wintering skies?

When the steeled clouds lower,

And the north winds harsh you,

Frigid and too damp to bear their load?


Where can you find promise of truth held forth?

Not in the words of evil men,

Twisting the rigor of law to their liking,

Coercing the weak-thinking, the unknowledged ,

The lunatic and the bloodthirsty all,

Eager lackies and toadies hoping for crumbs from the table,

Though they be soaked in the blood of their brothers.

No light will be found among these,

Those days have passed.


Where do you seek for endurance in faith?

Among a clergy stained with greed,

With lust for power and the avarice of the cheaply bought?

They no longer aspire to a higher calling;

Gold has tweaked them and they have fallen beneath its weight.

They too now have the scent of violence in their nostrils,

Wielding heavenly promise as a bludgeon.

They fail you with borrowed testament,

Now crooked and tainted as their craving.


Where do you now quest radiant prospect,

A fulfillment of dream held close and dear?

Not in the blare of commercial gain,

Not in the glitter of artificial delight,

Fleeting and empty of nourishment.

Not in the loudly proclaimed pledges of the celebrated,

Caricatures paraded to convince you that the design is not false,

That fashion has meaning,

That this production we’re playing out is the best we can hope for,

And that your place in it is as it should be.


Where do you find the reality you should have?

Our nature craves the natural.

Our beings require a respite from the grinding machine.

Our sense of true self will be found away from the roar of commerce,

Of servitude to an unseen master, rapacious and unwilling to be satisfied.

The dollar and the guile of prestige and the falsity of glamor should not own you.


Find yourself.

You already carry the radiance within you.

We can light the world.


Cliff Lake 12/10/2022

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2022


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