The Mess in the Media


The Mess in the Media


The petty thing that crawls through the kitten pictures,

A bottom feeder,

It looks for the tender spot,

Sowing rancor and disgust,

It revels in the discord.


A meme,

An insult,

An argumentation full borne of ignorance,

These are its tools, its pricks, and prods,

It’s here for the laughs.


Substance is anathema, proof its poison,

It will suffer no substantiation,

A document causes it to turn and bite.

It will have no order,

Chaos is the goal.


It reviles,

Accusing those that refute it of its own sin,

Becomes the victim at will.

Dare you to confront it, it will hunt,

Paying petty persecutions for your audacity.


Ignoring it leaves it free to roam,

Making havoc on those less willed than you.

Raise your shield if you must,

It will find softer soil to muddy,

Easier flesh to jab.


Kick it, have it kicked,

Will it return in other guise?

Will it seek you once more?

Or will it become more wily,

Playing its frolic out of sight of the watcher?


Will you suffer it?

Will you block it from your sight?

Some caution this is the only means,

Some would see it removed.

Look! There’s another! The trial begins.


Cliff Lake 12/1/2022

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2022


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