Stupid World


Stupid World


Stupid world.

With all its existence and stuff…

What do we think we’re doing here?

Sure, we dig big fucking holes in the ground,

We’re GREAT at that…

Of course, that’s killing us,

And most of the animals we share the planet with,

And the trees,

And the fish,

And the birds, don’t forget those!

And the whole ocean too.

But we’re melting all the glaciers into it so…

That should help.

And then there’s the air:

On a good day you can even see through it.

And what about the rock we live on?

Oh yeah, we’re fucking that up too.

You got yer acid rains,

And yer chunky air,

And yer extreme weathers, so…


But the good part is the plastic, right?

In the water you’re drinking,

In the food you eat,

In the soil you walk on,

There’s even big fucking islands of it in the oceans so we can track its progress…

Stupid world.

With all the existence we’re trying to end.

Too bad we won’t be around to see THAT.

The sun is supposed to die or explode in 7 to 8 billion years…

Oh yeah?

Hold our beer…


Cliff Lake 11/9/2022

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2022


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