



Raging against inevitabilities they can barely pronounce,

They seek to make proof through violence,

Doling unearned vengeances,

Against those they already oppress.


Pronouncing inequities,

They make attempt to elevate themselves,

While wallowing in filthy degradation:

Sins they will not allow others.


Dangerous toys they acquire,

Undertaking betterment by way of suppression,

Enmity is their religion,

Greed their deity.


Unnerved they are by intellect,

Ashamed that they are so easily seen,

Naked to innocent eye,

Exposed by accuracy and reality.


Untruths are spun into myths,

Myths are woven into dogma,

Dogma is accepted as canon,

And dogma informs indoctrination.


Lost now in emotion-fired doctrine,

They march against all those undoctrined,

Enemies found anywhere outside their creed,

Worthy only of elimination.


Destruction is their last hold,

Persuasion long beyond them,

Brains boiled in lies and misguidance,

A mob serving masters who despise their soldiers.


They know that they have been tricked,

Though the charlatans have come to rule them,

A sleight of hand for the minds of the uninformed,

The unteachable.


These are the minions.

These are the used.

They are convinced this is the path to salvation.

They will bloody their hands only to die like the rest of us.


My sympathies lie elsewhere.

Forsake your humanity and you become inhuman.

They lessen themselves.

And they welcome the monster they become.


Cliff Lake 10/15/2022

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2022


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