An Affirmation


An Affirmation


Are you where you thought you would be?

Are you the person that you once meant?

Have you seen all you wished to see?

Do you wonder where all the time went?


When will you know the last truth?

When will you sing all that is unsung?

When will you have asked the last question?

Have you accomplished all that can be done?


Is there more to what you already know?

When will the last bell be rung?

Have you moved past what you once intended?

Can the pendulum be all unswung?


Do regrets keep you in a stasis frozen?

Have you adopted shadows shamed?

Can you unwalk the paths that you’ve chosen?

Can your aspirations be somehow reclaimed?


Can an atrophied spirit be unwithered?

Will you be more than what you are not now?

Are you caught in an eddy in this life’s river?

Have you already taken your final bow?


Does not the sun still rise for you shining?

Do not the birds still call for you to fly?

Are you not sitting there reading my rhyming?

Are you so willing to calcify?


Lift up your head! Breathe the free air!

Take back your life from the storage shelf.

Stand while you can! Reach out a hand!

Sometimes by helping one helps themself.


Cliff Lake 9/9/2022

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2022


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