On the 8th of August in good ol’ sunny Palm Beach.

The Federales came with a lesson plan that they meant to teach.

“No one is above the law!” Merrick had on occasion preached.

And warrants in hand, in resort grand the strongbox was soon breached.


Now in New York Land, the orange man was heard to grumble and groan.

“How can a man, his actions bland be so accosted at home?”

“Besieged I say! And how dare they? A symptom of the Left Syndrome!”

But at the end of the day, we heard Hannity say, “Hey look, the guy is on his own.”


Where you gonna go when they yank the land out beneath your feet?

Where you gonna go with your name erased from the tower on the street?

How you gonna run and hide with the friends you never had?

You’ve burned all your bridges,

Surrounded by snitches,

There’s a word for this and it’s: SAD!


Now all of you minions that had backed his opinions, is it time to cut a deal?

Better make a decision because I hear prison doesn’t serve a delicious meal.

Are you gonna jump ship, on the man will you flip, we all know rats tend to squeal?

Or will you remain singing his dull refrain with your neck firmly under his heel?


Where you gonna go when they yank the land out beneath your feet?

Where you gonna go with your name erased from the tower on the street?

How you gonna run and hide with the friends you never had?

You’ve burned all your bridges,

Surrounded by snitches,

There’s a word for this and it’s: SAD!


Now the MAGA lads, they think it’s bad that Garland made his play.

But let me just say this is the USA, the law of the land holds sway.

All those chances he had, how can you be mad, he’s more than had his say,

Know this if you can, he’s just a man, and a criminal that must pay.


Where you gonna go when they yank the land out beneath your feet?

Where you gonna go with your name erased from the tower on the street?

How you gonna run and hide with the friends you never had?

You’ve burned all your bridges,

Surrounded by snitches,

There’s a word for this and it’s: SAD!


Cliff Lake 8/9/2022

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2022



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