Stained in Red

 Stained in Red


You, Republican, when will you understand the chosen color of the GOP is red?




It is the stain of your party.

It is the color of the blood on your hands.

Why wasn’t Sandy Hook enough?


What wasn’t learned from Columbine?

What blinds you to a lesson played out over and over?

A lesson in blood.

Did you think the Harvest Festival was meant to reap bodies?

Do you think that now?


The chosen color of the Grand Old Party is red.




It pervades your party.

It is the color of the blood of children staining your hands.

Why is it you cannot honor the dead of Parkland?


What have you learned from your precious NRA?

Is it that in time one can learn not to be shocked?

Do you think the count of bodies is not yet enough?

Do you think their deaths serve the greater good?

Do you think at all?

Do you feel?


The chosen color of the Republican Party is red.




It defines your party.

It is the color of innocent blood spilled, but for you it is not enough?

Why are the 10 killed in Buffalo not enough?

Why are the 22 massacred in Uvalde not enough?

Why won’t the 6 murdered in Highland Park be enough?




The chosen color of the Republican Party is blood.




My nation has had enough.

In November we won’t bleed for you anymore.




Cliff Lake 7/5/2022

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2022


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