



Motionless, he rises from his early morning bed.

Stagnant, he cannot get outside the inertia in his head.

It’s all the same, the day’s refrain, the things that he has said,

He just maintains and makes no gains and goes to work instead.


Static, she moves the day, her deepest thoughts ask, “Why?”

Passive is the way today, but it’s not enough to cry.

Stationary as she buys the things that will never fill her life,

Immobile as the system pulls the strings, apathy dulls the knife.



The days have all gone gray.


Unchanging in their array.


We’re gripped in unending maw.

The fog won’t lift, and so we drift,

As time continues to gnaw,

Paralysis has got us all in its decaying craw.


Drowsing, we plod through years, faithfully at our jobs.

Rousing, we see the same in the mass of nodding mobs.

As sheep we’re driven, supporting thankless snobs,

Our true selves now slowly riven; what spark is left now sobs.



The days have all gone gray.


Unchanging in their array.


We’re gripped in unending maw.

The fog won’t lift, and so we drift,

As time continues to gnaw,

Paralysis has got us all in its decaying craw.



Cliff Lake 7/29/’22

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2022


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