Behind Beauty

Behind Beauty


Behind beauty always a shadow lies;
Darkness exists even in the fullness of day.
Glory pretends its virtue,
Growth exists not without consumption.

Above the blaze is always smoke,
Is truth born out of hatred?
The exhortations of men sound hollowly,
Is love born out of fear?

Charm and wit projected falsely,
A pretty smile may hide envy and spite.
All must die so that all can live,
Only entropy is steadfast.

Comeliness has its price:
Today’s grace is tomorrow’s decay.
All will end – such is creation’s only promise,
Now is the moment you live in – make it count.

Behind beauty always a shadow lies;
Darkness exists even in the fullness of day.
Fear not the shadow of the uncertain tomorrows,
There is the light of today;
Let it warm you while it lasts.

Cliff Lake 1/2/17

Copyright © 2017 Clifford Lake


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