




The squirming, the worming, the indefensible most detestable attempted unconfirming.

In what way are these the actions of one we would call “president”?

How do these actions speak of such a man as “leader”?

Are we so blind that we must follow a known cheater, a proven liar, a charlatan beholden to the basest of his own instincts?

Are we so weak that we must back down from a man that will not act for himself?

Are we to allow a common bully to upend our America? 


Not in any manner will we allow our subservience to one so flawed that he cannot lose with the grace and dignity so long associated with our experiment in democracy.

We have a process.

He tried to avoid it.

We have a procedure.

He tried to subvert it.

We have a mechanism.

He tried to break it.

He failed.

He fails still.

Is this so surprising from a man that cannot keep a casino afloat?

Is this so astonishing from a man that cannot sell water?

Is this so stunning from a man that crashed an airline?

Is failure the Trump brand?

He failed to corrupt the Department of Justice.

He failed.

He failed to corrupt the State of Georgia.

He failed.

He failed to overthrow his own government.

He failed.

He fails still.

He will not fail to be held accountable.

We will not fail.


Cliff Lake 6/23/2022

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2022


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