Fun, Fun, Fundable


Fun, Fun, Fundable


But is it just about the money?


I wish we could have been there when Bill Barr told him.

I wish we there when Bill said it again.

I wish we there when Bill told him,

“It’s all bullshit.”

I wish we were there for that.


The election was over, but he was still collecting money?

It was over and he was still collecting money?

He was still collecting money.


We were all there when the courts told him.

We were there all 61 times.

We were there when court after court told him,

“There isn’t any fraud. We are not finding fraud.”

We were all there for that.


The court cases were over, but he was still collecting money?
The cases were over, but he was still collecting money.

He was still collecting money.


We saw that Arizona told him that Joe was still on top.

We saw that Georgia told him that Joe was winner there.

We saw that state after state after state told him,

“Joe’s got the votes. He’s always had the votes.”

We saw the states tell him.


The “Official Election Defense Fund” collected money.

That fund kept collecting money.

That fund did not exist.


Donald John Trump still collects money.

Donald John Trump still collects money…


Donald John Trump still takes the money.


I’m not giving him a fucking dime.


Cliff Lake 6/13/2022

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2022


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