


Someone has opened cruelty’s door,

Spouting race lies that once were yore.

To pallid knights fealty swore,

4chan always seeking more.


Some believe in a racial war,

Replacement theory gone full bore.

They mean to settle imagined score,

Ten gunned down at the grocery store.


So it’s Hail! Hail the NRA!

To the Second Amendment we do pray!

And Hail! Hail the bullet spray!

Might is Right, let’s keep it white,

If we find you in our sight,

We’ll keep our trigger fingers tight,

And it’s your fault if you’re blown away.


14 words brought to the fore,

See the dead there on the floor.

Believing in Supremacy’s lore,

Ten gunned down at the grocery store!


So it’s Hail! Hail the NRA!

To the Second Amendment we do pray!

And Hail! Hail the bullet spray!

Might is Right, let’s keep it white,

If we find you in our sight,

We’ll keep our trigger fingers tight,

And it’s your fault that you’re blown away.


Cliff Lake 5/15/2022

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2022


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