Thirty Pieces


Thirty Pieces


An escalator wound on down,

A game show host chasing a crown.

A landlord who would be king,

Racism and chaos he did bring.

Donny, Donny, where’d it begin?

“With thirty pieces from the Kremlin.”


Trailing now in Putin’s shade,

Donny thinks he’s got it made.

“Who still thinks we need NATO?

They’re not us; they have to go.”

Russian tales he starts to spin,

Some dirty pieces from the Kremlin.


But thinking voters do prevail,

A long-time crook they want to jail.

But Russia’s fingers have grown long,

So many Repubs sing the song.

Absolving Donny from his sin,

Grasping silver from the Kremlin.


Hawley, Blackburn, Greene, and Paul.

Boebert, Cruz, they’re traitors all.

Voting against brave Ukraine,

Opting instead for paltry gain.

Their scruples now grown much too thin,

With their thirty from the Kremlin.


Ukraine does now pay the price,

Of the GOP’s deep avarice.

But empathy in this world exists.

Defying the dictator’s fist.

Traitors skating ice grown thin,

Can’t buy them back from the Kremlin.


Cliff Lake 3/22/2022

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2022


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