Once Upon a Time He Was Dead Or The Future Past of Vladimir Putin


Once Upon a Time He Was Dead


The Future Past of Vladimir Putin


Once upon a time the man was dead.

He had lived, but that was the past.

He is dead.

He’d had hair and a wife. (He was dead)

He liked kidney beans. (He was dead)

He had two brothers. (They are dead)

He joined the KGB and hated many.

He was a Lieutenant Colonel.

Then he died.

He made some children. (He was dead)

He liked being photographed doing brave things.

He pretended he wasn’t a Fascist.

He was addicted to being threatening. (But he died)

He had lots of money and sometimes people got poisoned. (They died)

One time he invaded the country next door and got his boat sank. (It is dead)

He liked to call people he was planning to kill “Nazi’s.” (Many died)

He didn’t often wear hats or follow the teachings of Christ.

He liked parades.

But he is dead.



Cliff Lake 5/17/2022

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2022


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