Hold Fast


Hold Fast


The darkness descended in the not-too-distant past,

Brought upon us by those who know that they’re fading fast:

Old and broken and full of hate,

They’re never going to hesitate

To ensure that you and I – the majority, will always come in last.


Making up rules that they themselves won’t be following,

All the while telling us it’s freedom that they’re allowing.

Watch them sneaking past in the night,

Their deeds will not abide the light.

So it’s back into the Dark Ages that we’ll be wallowing.


Equal rights do not give me more rights than you or you or you.

But taking rights from anybody is never the right thing to do.

A persons body is theirs alone,

There is no one you ever own,

It will be the suffering of many to satisfy the few.


They say it’s darkest before we see the dawn and it’s breaking light.

We must hold fast to truth, and love, and what we know is right.

Do you think they have the win?

Now a new round we must begin!

We know that in the end we will attain an even greater height!


Cliff Lake 5/3/2022

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2022


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